A well needed update.

Hello everyone, we apologize for the radio silence over the year but we’ve been hard at work. In this post, we’ll update you on what we’ve been up to and our plans for the future.

1. We’ve launched our new project Limbo Cash. Limbo Cash is our own token on the Tron network. We’ve had this idea on the back burner since 2018 when Dell proposed the idea. We finally launched it. You can earn Limbo Cash by holding it or by staking it. We also have a lot of plans for Limbo Cash’s future. We recommend checking out the roadmap of Limbo Cash. We also recommend checking our Limbo Cash’s official site to learn more.

2. Alongside Limbo Cash we’ve updated Limbo Link to be a part of The Limbo Protocol. This means that every link created in limbo.link will also be on the blockchain.

3. We’re working on Limbo Search and hope to relaunch it in the Spring of 2022.

4. If you visited our main company site you may have noticed we’ve started updating it.

5. We’ve updated The Limbo Player to make it even more modern.

6. We’re relaunching our storefront in the spring of 2022.

7. We’re working on a new project we’ll just say it has something to do with music.

8. We’ll be releasing a new book sometime in 2022!

9. Finally we’re been working on a game and we hope to have it released by the end of 2022.

As you can see we have a lot planned for 2022 and we’ll work to keep you guys better updated on things. Once again we apologize for the radio silence. We hope you and your families have a wonderful holiday season and we’ll see you in 2022!

Best Regards,
The Limbo Studios Inc. Team